Our team will be taking an agile approach to project management. We will be meeting biweekly, in a standup fashion, where we will update the other members of the team on what we have been working on since our last meeting and what we will be working on until our next meeting. This serves the purpose ensuring our work does not overlap and keeping issues we are having with our tasks visible to the rest of team. Furthermore, we will have a weekly showcase to the client, this could become every other week later in the semester, where we will showcase what we have done since our last showcase and get his feedback on the direction of the project, and approval on any possible developments we have had. We will also follow those meetings with a retro/planning meeting where will evaluate how our various efforts went the past week and what better practices we can have for the following week.

In terms of the individual tasks we need to complete along the way for this project, we will be breaking those down as much as possible, such that every task is specific and has a clear end goal. This will better allow us to split up work and make sure one person is bearing the weight of the all the development. We will be using trello as our one stop shop for keeping the team organized and updated on what other people on the team are working on. Since we will only be meeting a couple times a week, aside for the client meeting, the trello board is vital to making sure our work is not overlapping and redundant. We will try to constantly fill the backlog in trello with tasks we foresee for the future. We will then select the tasks we are aiming to complete in the upcoming week, or two if the client meeting are made every other week. We will then have a column for in progress, selected from those planned for the week, and then for those that are possibly blocked. Finally, we will have a section for awaiting client approval, and then for those tasks completed. We will also utilize the labels on trello to give cards a priority based off both their importance and when it is possibly due.

The Trello board, along with our weekly meetings, will allow us to make sure our project is not falling behind. Since we are setting forth what we are planning each week, we will know if we are not actually finishing all of it. The labels on the cards on trello will also allow us to know who has finished what, and if the amount of work is disproportionate. All in all, our team will work together to create the best product we can for our client.